ODS - The Organizational MRI

ODS Articles
(ODS = Organizational Diagnostic System)


An Organizational MRI (scorecard)
For the Human Side of Enterprise

What gets measured
Organizational Performance Groupings

Easy To Understand Reports
How to Interpret Report Scores

Case Study
How ODS Improved Organizational Capacity to Perform

Research - Validation
Behind the ODS Measurement System

Executive Focused Information
How Executives Use ODS Reports

Organizational MRI

The Ability to Identify and Quantify
the Human Side of Enterprise


The WSA Organizational Diagnostic System (ODS) provides organizations with the precise measurements (for the human side of enterprise) needed for designing more effective organizational performance and change.

It provides the insights organizations need to precisely target and integrate critical “Human Factors” into their organizational development and transformation initiatives. “Human Factors” make the difference between success and failure when attempting substantial improvements in organizational performance.

The WSA Organizational Diagnostic System is an extensively validated model (proven to measure what is important and to provide accurate measures of how well companies are doing) that categorizes issues and focuses organizations on the items needing attention to eliminate roadblocks to organizational performance gains.

What is Measured?

Accurate Information For Improving the Human Side of Enterprise


Hard Meaningful Measures
to Drive Improved Organizational Performance


The WSA Organizational Diagnostic Model

ODS Model

What is Mesured?
The Diagnostic measures three major areas (Vision, Culture and Practices, and Individual Work). These areas are broken down into nine major sub-focus areas that are further broken down into 31 action items. An ODS report identifies clear areas where action needs to be taken.

Extensive research was conducted to ensure measures are focused on the human factors that truly affect organizational performance.

Accurate Information For
Improving the Human Side of Enterprise

ODS measures identify where organizations are strong and where development work is needed. It identifies where management has executed well and where performance has been weak.

When ODS scores are low, the architecture for any change initiative must be adjusted to add skills and organization development effort as part of the operational and strategic change initiative.