Unique Value

WSA's Unique Value

How WSA achieves rapid improvements

Our Approach
Principles behind our consulting engagements

Partnering Process
How we plan complex development projects

Structured Coaching
Why our training produces real change

The WSA Partnering Process

The WSA approach to partnering on a project leaves clients feeling in charge and in control of the development effort.

This partnering process is applicable to larger complex, organizational development projects. The diagram below illustrated the roles of WSA, client and collective activities in planning a large scale development project. Normally larger projects are started after a pilot is implemented on a smaller scale where the client and WSA are able to build a relationship of trust before engaging on a larger endeavor.

Partnering Process Diagram



WSA's 25 plus years of experience focused on getting tangible results from its development efforts has led to a set of disciplines that deliver positive improvements in bottom line organizational performance.


Description of Partnering Process Steps

Step 1 Understanding
Clearly understanding the clients concern leading to the assignment is the starting point. This may be face to face or over the phone but it is about listening and asking questions.
Step 2 Planning
At WSA Canada we believe in planning, especially when stakeholders could be faced with changes which will impact the success of the assignment.
Step 3 Endorsement
This step ensures the client is comfortable with our approach. A Blueprint diagram below may be produced to aid the conversation. It is designed to show all the relevant information graphically in one place.
Step 4. Data Gathering
Data gathering as much information as possible. Being skilled researchers, WSA consultants gather information from interviews, both inside and outside the client company. Sometimes data is researched on the internet to get as comprehensive a view as possible. When appropriate, the Organizational Diagnostic System (ODS) is used to get a comprehensive look at the human side of the client’s organization.
Step 5 & 6 Analysis
The data is then turned into information, analyzed and then shared with the client. It provides the basis for developing a range of potential solutions to the problem. The goal is to look at a range of possible solutions and keep the client informed
Step 7 Potential Solutions
Once possible solutions are identified we work with the client to discover which solutions offer the best chance of success in the working culture of the client. This is an important step enabling the client to be comfortable with the possible solution.
Step 8 Testing
The solutions are then tested, if necessary with focus groups and follow-up interviews, to attempt to refine the best options. If appropriate the client is involved. The client is then offered a range of possible options and a process for deciding which would be the best fit the company’s culture
Step 9 Implementation
Once a solution is decided, we prepare everything that is needed to implement the solution. These plans are developed in conjunction with the client. Often this involves writing Board Papers, briefing sheets and developing presentations. It can also involve developing short training programs, newsletters or management guidelines. If the client is going to deliver training, a training session to assist them is developed.
Step 10 Evaluation
It is important to evaluate the assignment. What could have been better handled? What worked well are the key questions. This feedback is useful to help us improve our service.


Graphic of WSA Partnering Process
