Unique Value

WSA's Unique Value

How WSA achieves rapid improvements

Our Approach
Principles behind our consulting engagements

Partnering Process
How we plan complex development projects

Structured Coaching
Why our training produces real change

The WSA Approach

Principles Behind WSA Approach
to Organizational Improvement

The WSA approach to improving organizational performance is not what you typically would see in most organizational development organizations.

WSA Canada utilizes processes and methodology that have been tested and validated through more than 25 years of experience guiding organizational development work in multiple countries.

WSA Canada has accumulated of a broad set of proven methodologies. The quality of these methodologies enables WSA Canada to substantially and rapidly enhance an organization's capacity to get better performance from the human element within the enterprise.

Our Approach to Assignments Includes:

The following provides detail of key principles behind our approach to assignments.

Data Driven

"What gets measured gets managed" is our watchword. Collecting data is foundation to good strategy and planning. When looking to improve the human side of enterprise, measures are needed to accurately understand what needs improving. Measures can also be used to identify if improvements have taken place. WSA Canada has a unique tool in the Organizational Diagnostic System (ODS) that enables us to measure both the starting point and progress as an organization develops. The ODS is based on extensive research to validate which measures are important and that we are measuring in a way that provides accurate information. It provides an accurate “snapshot’ of a company or department at a point in time. Similar to an MRI it enables any organization to fully understand the human side of its enterprise, what is enabling performance and what is blocking it.

Systems Thinking

Organizations are complex “Systems” comprised of interrelated and interdependent parts. Attacking symptoms is futile until the "cause" is identified. We try to find the systemic cause of the results - good and bad – that an organization is producing. Once these root causes are determined we then jointly create solutions that fundamentally solve the problem or redesign the System to produce the desired results. The ability to view organization as systems provides an ability to solve problems that cannot be solved any other way. When we finish a project, our client's capacity for systems thinking has normally been improved.

Client Partnering

Without establishing a relationship of trust we cannot begin to help our clients achieve improved performance. We create common goals and joint accountability for our client's success. We strive to see their world through their eyes while, at the same time, bringing a balanced, outside, intendment perspective. In short; we do it with you not to you. See the WSA Canada Partnering Process.

Focus on Competence and Independence

No one knows your business better than you and we appreciate this fact. Our aim is to guide our client's change process - not to run it for you. We have developed extensive training modules to pass on consultant capability to our client's staff to minimize our client's dependence on outside consultants while expanding the capability of the client organization.

Customized, Pragmatic Solutions

We have many validated tools, models, approaches plus real-world experience to bring to the table. But, it is the spirit of innovation and pragmatism that guarantees that we co-create the best solutions with clients. We don't bore you with the theoretical. We aim to delight you with the practical.

Logical, Phased Solutions

There is a finite window of opportunity for almost every initiative beyond which the impact and effectiveness of a solution starts to decline. Our approach is to help create logical, phased solutions that are structured to ensure rapid and adaptable implementation.  Focusing on the elements of change that can be achieved most rapidly and that will have the highest impact, our goal is to create significant success early in change initiatives to help build the momentum, provide a “jolt” of energy and enthusiasm, and cement the commitment necessary to produce success in the more difficult areas of change.

Measurable, Predictable, Repeatable Results

Using a unique combination of assessment tools and methodologies we document the current and future state of your organization and the factors that create change. The result is scalable, adaptable, sustainable and aligned with your business model and strategy.


WSA's 25 plus years of experience focused on getting tangible results from its development efforts has led to a set of disciplines that deliver positive improvements in bottom line organizational performance.